Goal Safety

Goal safety is of paramount importance to the Europa Lions FC.  Adult participants must always ensure goals are in a safe condition and secured to prevent tipping.  Europa Lions FC takes it guidance on goal safety from NJYS and USYS on best practices that should be followed to keep players safe. 

US Youth Soccer presentation on Goal Post Safety
New Jersey Youth Soccer Goal Safety Resources

1.  Goal Anchoring / Counter-weighting

All goals used by Europa Lions exceeding 40 lbs in weight must be secured (anchored or counter-weighted) to prevent tipping. 

Goal Counter-weighting (Turf Fields)

Sand Bags

Follow manufacturer’s recommended number of sand bags and weight of each bag based on the goal model you are anchoring. Larger goals will need more than smaller ones. A minimum of two bags should be used.

Ballast System


These can be a cement form, a steel weight, or some other heavy item that can be used to counter the weight of the goal. These can be fixed to the goal frame with a metal chain or cable, or stand alone.


Goal Counter-weighting (Grass Fields)


Sand Bags

Follow manufacturer’s recommended number of sand bags and weight of each bag based on the goal model you are anchoring. Larger goals will need more than smaller ones. A minimum of two bags should be used.

Ballast System


These can be a cement form, a steel weight, or some other heavy item that can be used to counter the weight of the goal. These can be fixed to the goal frame with a metal chain or cable, or stand alone.

Ground Stakes/Pegs

Straight piece of metal driven several inches into the ground. These should be driven at a slant for added security, through a hole in the bottom of the goal back frame. 4 stakes should be used to anchor a goal

Auger Style

These are like corkscrews that screw into the ground and connect to the back frame with a metal chain or cable. One auger style anchor is necessary to secure a goal. The auger should driven into the ground so none of the “corkscrew” is showing.

J or U-Hook

Like a peg, this anchor is a bent piece of metal driven at least several inches into the ground. The hook portion of the anchor wraps over the back frame. 4 J-Hooks should be used to anchor a goal


2.  Goal Standards

As of the 2020-2021 seasonal year any new goals purchased or acquired for use by the Europa Lions Club will comply with ASTM Goal Safety Standard F2950-14.   Goals not meeting this standard will be systematically sunset as equipment is replaced

3.  Goal Storage (Off-season)

During the off-season goals should be stored (secured) so that they cannot be accessed or used in an unsafe manner by unauthorized individuals.  The following are acceptable ways to store goals:

  1. Remove Nets – Nets should be removed to prevent climbing from the back when exposed, and to discourage shooting on an open goal.
  2. Chain goals to a secure object – Chain goals to a strong structure near the field.  A strong structure can include a fence, large trees, or other permanent objects. Turn the goal facing the object and secure it with chain(s) and lock(s). 
  3. Chain goals face to face – Chaining goals face to face helps ensure goals cannot tip-over on someone. Move the goals so the face of each goal is up against the other. Secure the goals together with a chain and lock on both upright posts leaving the least amount of slack in the chain as possible.  Chains should secure both sides of the goal, so the goals cannot be separated